Fall is just around the corner, but some trees have already started to change color, have you noticed?

The dynamic colors of fall are a highlight of the Midwest, but pay close attention. A tree that changes color too soon may be trying to tell you something. Early fall color can be an indicator that your tree is stressed. Sometimes, the color change is isolated to a single limb or two but more often it is the entire canopy. The premature display of leaf color is commonly associated with poor water uptake. Mulch volcanos, turf growing right up to the tree, girdling roots, compaction or lawn mower/ string trimmer damage are the leading causes to insufficient water uptake. If these issues are left unaddressed your tree may die. Early fall color is a great signal to consult a professional arborist before the issues advance.

Trunk damage caused my law mowers and string trimmers.

Take the tree shown here for example. This tree is trying to communicate that it is distressed. Upon a closer look, you can see there is trunk damage at the base of the tree. This wound undoubtedly limits water intake for the tree. This is injury is the result of lawn mowers and string trimmers repeatedly coming in contact with the sensitive tissue of the tree trunk while managing the grass that grows directly up to the tree. If a there was a proper mulch ring around this tree, this damage could have been prevented. Applying a mulch ring at this stage would still be beneficial, and recommended- making sure not to create a mulch volcano. Proper mulching will help provide adequate moisture to the tree, limit competition from the grass and keep the abrasive lawn equipment away from the trunk. This tree still has hope, but if action is required to preserve its longevity. If nothing is done this tree will die and it will take 20 years for the next tree to be of similar size and value.

